North wales Power and Sail


Powerboat Courses

Powerboat Courses:

These are conducted within the Conwy Estuary or Menai Starits, both Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, providing a safe but varied tidal environment in which to learn new skills and competences. The craft is a 5.8m Narwhal rib fitted to RYA/MCA specification.



RYA Powerboat Courses: Level 1 & 2 (Combined)

Designed to equip you with all the basic background skills to become a competent powerboat driver. This also forms the basis of the International Certificate of Competence

2 Days ... from £175.00



RYA Intermediate Powerboat

Designed to build on RYA Level 2 and to teach powerboating up tp the standard required to complete a short coastal passage by day. Assumed knowledge: candidates should be competentto the standard of RYA National powerboat Certificate Level 2 (Coastal). It is strongly recommended that candidates hold a first Aid Certificate and a VHF / SRC Operators Certificate. Minimum age 16 years

2 Days ... from £175.00


RYA Safety Boat

Designed to introduce techniques used in powerboats to provide safety cover or assist with race management.

2 Days ... from £175.00


RYA Advanced Powerboat Training

This course provides the opportunity to learn the skills and background knowledge to operate safely in more demanding coastal waters and to handle a planing powerboat safely in rough conditions and at night. Candidates should be competent to the standard of the Intermediate Powerboat Certificate with a thorough knowledge of navigation and chartwork to the level of Day Skipper Shorebased Certificate. You are required to hold both a first aid certificate and a VHF Operators Certificate Minimum age 17 years

2 Days ... £250.00


RYA Powerboat Instructor

3 Days intensive course … £330.00


International Certificate of Competence:

One Day Assessment for Power and / or Sail

1 Day … £125.00 per person (based on 2 persons being assessed on own boat)

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North wales Power and Sail Deganwy Conwy

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